We come in peace
As the figures approach, Aranel decides to split off from the party to get a better look and ambushing position. The others stand ready for an assault and hope for an easier solution to present itself. These brave, who toil to find out the mysteries of what has consumed this world, still have hope. It happens quickly, the figures are seen to wave and move their arms in a fluid like motion, bringing together both hands and pulling them apart. As their hands pull apart a path is made through the fog squarely on the hero's of Ostwick. 'We are found' they think as they are presented with a familiar question. “Who are you?”. Dex, Sieg, Jaspyr, and Varaxis come forward to confront these men and women of Pelor. Dex explains that “We come seeking refuge from this war, in hopes that mighty Pelor can help us with our plight”. Looking the blight weary over the monks and sisters of Karnak decide to bring Elder Reubin to decide the fate of these strangers.
Elder Reubin is an old cane laden man in his twilight years. But with all that age, there is a quickness in his eyes and he almost sees through this lot set before him. “I see you have multiplied, there is 5 of you here where the brothers told me there was only 4?” Elder Reubin queries as Aranel steps forward. After asking many questions of the party, and gleaning truths and half truths from them, the elder decides to grant the travellers sanctuary under heavy guard. Sensing Jaspyr's unease, Reubin tells him “I am but an old man now my friend, I'm afraid i would not taste very good to you indeed”. Noticing the Argos Librarium grafted to the arm of Varaxis The leader of this Temple sees some familiar looking runes upon it. Leading them into Karnak the party takes great pain as they enter the light and walk to some makeshift quarters set up for them to stay through the night. The guards bring them live chickens as horrible sounds ring through the courtyard.
The next morning Reubin comes and collects the party wanting to show them around the grounds, to see if they came to the right place as they warranted. Showing the party around the grounds, the elder points out some familiar runes located on walk stones around the base of the main temple. As Varaxis holds up his hand and survey's the surroundings, the Argo Librarium plinks little flashes of light on the runic sequence he is meant to unlock a secret door. As Varaxis activates the runes they light up and a secret door opens up to stairs leading downward below the temple. Moments after opening up the secret stair, the unnatural glow of the site discontinues as there are shouts of “incoming” and the hustle and bustle of everyone in the temple mobilizing to defend. Black balls of writhing tentacles fly overhead and slam into buildings, the ground and people. 2 of the monks wisk away the old man as the party takes the fight to one of the newly arriving blight bringers. Aranel, Varaxis and Sieg strike with great ferver. The swirling mess of tentacles lashes out slamming into Sieg. Jaspyr steps in and unleashes a rending blow to the mess almost cutting the beast in twain with smoke roiling off of his argent blade. Dex orders Jaspyr to strike again and he does. The monster reels but pulls itself back together as threads on a loom intertwine making cloth. The blight bringer rains down tentacles on Sieg and Dex as it grabs hold of the argent wielding Jaspyr. More blows pummel Sieg into unconsciousness, then the same for Dex. Jaspyr frees himself as Varaxis and Aranel bring the pain to the tentacled mass as it wails unto unconsciousness. Grabbing up Dex, and Seig the party withdraws into the hidden stair as the sounds weapons, spells and fists ring through the temple.
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